Wednesday, January 14, 2009

new blog home...

I have decided to move my blog and switch from blogger to wordpress.
Here is my new blog address:

random fun...

I was cleaning my hard drive today because when the backup runs on my computer it takes away all my speed and storage. I know weird problem to have. But I came across this photo that I scanned a while back. It is one of my most favorites!

The photo is of my mom (on the donkey/zebra) my grandpa and my great grandpa, circa 1965, Mexico. I think it hysterical! So fun.

Friday, January 09, 2009


I have really been lacking in the posting department here lately. I must fix that.

It's 6:45 on Friday and I am sitting here at work. I am pulling a co-works email off the back-up because all their sent mail is missing. Now back-ups are a great thing but can be a pain for the person dealing with them. So what better time than to blog!

Lets see...where to start?

This week was work crazy but we had a very fun girl night on Wednesday. My house is a mess! I totally have to deal with that this weekend and also do a little design work at work.

I decided I really like the word "dwell" today. I don't really know why. I think I like the way it looks.

Katie & I went to lunch at Camille's today and we saw our pairs there...Bobbi & Carey. Which we all thought was hysterically funny. Artist, writer, artist writer. I kind of wish we could all just sit and chat all day long. You girls are the best.

I have on new black knitted uggs today that I kind of accidentally "won" on ebay. I though I was out-bid because I was not seriously bidding anyway and I "won"! But I do love them.

I have gained a couple new facebook friends this week (addicted). One classmate that moved away from our small town and I have not seen or talked to her in forever! Crazy how things connect back up.

Only two more back-up tapes to go and I can go home. Happy weekend!