new blog home...
I have decided to move my blog and switch from blogger to wordpress.
Here is my new blog address:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

random fun...
I was cleaning my hard drive today because when the backup runs on my computer it takes away all my speed and storage. I know weird problem to have. But I came across this photo that I scanned a while back. It is one of my most favorites!
The photo is of my mom (on the donkey/zebra) my grandpa and my great grandpa, circa 1965, Mexico. I think it hysterical! So fun.
Friday, January 09, 2009

I have really been lacking in the posting department here lately. I must fix that.
It's 6:45 on Friday and I am sitting here at work. I am pulling a co-works email off the back-up because all their sent mail is missing. Now back-ups are a great thing but can be a pain for the person dealing with them. So what better time than to blog!
Lets see...where to start?
This week was work crazy but we had a very fun girl night on Wednesday. My house is a mess! I totally have to deal with that this weekend and also do a little design work at work.
I decided I really like the word "dwell" today. I don't really know why. I think I like the way it looks.
Katie & I went to lunch at Camille's today and we saw our pairs there...Bobbi & Carey. Which we all thought was hysterically funny. Artist, writer, artist writer. I kind of wish we could all just sit and chat all day long. You girls are the best.
I have on new black knitted uggs today that I kind of accidentally "won" on ebay. I though I was out-bid because I was not seriously bidding anyway and I "won"! But I do love them.
I have gained a couple new facebook friends this week (addicted). One classmate that moved away from our small town and I have not seen or talked to her in forever! Crazy how things connect back up.
Only two more back-up tapes to go and I can go home. Happy weekend!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008

done, done, done and done...
Since it was snowy and blowy all weekend long I stayed inside my warn cozy little house and accomplished a lot! It is such a good feeling.
• I finished two custom jewelry orders for a total of nine pieces.
(photo above: 7 necklaces for a January wedding)
• I finally put up the Christmas tree.
(I know I almost did not mess with it)
• Wrapped all the presents (for those of you who are or know designers this is not a fast process).
• Made 3 batches of required cookies to bring home for Christmas (the cookie tradition has been passed down to me now and I have to make them exactly how my mom made them). Also if you have ever made spritz cookies you know what a pain that is! Maybe someday they will make those easy to make.
Now all that is left is laundry and car packing and driving to Lincoln. All is well ;)
Monday, December 15, 2008
art girl cookie baking...
Sunday was the first annual art girl cookie baking day (we might need a shorter name for that ;)
I think we made about a million cookies at least that is what it felt like. Here is how it broke down...
• 4 batches of dough.
• A giant bag of cookie cutters (thanks mom!).
• Sprinkles of all colors.
• Sticky yummy frosting.
• Talking & Laughing.
• Hearing Bobbi say "what is this cookie cutter" (about 12 times ;).
• Oh and one really burnt snowman. He is just kind of funny.
Here are the resutls...
To see more photos click here.
Friday, December 12, 2008

catching up...
This has been a busy week. I am still recovering from our girl weekend and a cold. I think I am on the mend now ;)
The last two weeks have been busy at Paulsen (work). We have launched a new website, had a big party...the First Annual Paulsen County Fair and redesigned all our print materials. Katie and I have been working on this for months and it feels so good to be done. Everything is bright, shinny and new.
Tonight is our Paulsen Christmas party and Sunday is cookie baking with my art girls. I love this time of year. Oh, and I have completed almost all of my Christmas shopping without leaving the comfort of my house. Online shopping is the best!
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