Monday, September 15, 2008

happy my car

September 15, 2000 is the day my car came home with me. I strange is it that a girl would know this. My yellow bug was and is my dream car, so September 15 is a very special day. If for some reason I ever have to get a new car, I am buying the exact same thing.

Happy 8 years!

(The photo above it my car in the happiest place ever. I am pretty sure she wants to live there too ;)

p.s. my co-workers think I am nuts for knowing my car's birthday...


Eric said...

I also know exactly the date my car came home with me; mostly because I'm on a lease program and if I put too many miles on her before then I have to hork up a bunch of money. ;)

P.S. - Love the new blog design!

bobbione8y said...

no. that is not weird at all.

says the woman with cars named bert and ernie, and a house named mabel :)

Karen said...

Oh my gosh, we haven't even met and I STILL know that that is the perfect car for you!

The perfect place, too. Let's go!

Anonymous said...

Our consumerist society is no doubt pissed as hell that you're fine with your car and have no desire for a new one.

Unknown said...

I have too many birthdays in September to remember your car's special day, too. But, happy birthday little yellow bug with eyelashes...