Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Over the summer the girls at work stared a girl dinner night. Friday is my turn to host the dinner at my house (this is where the why comes in). Why am I so crazy that I have to do a great big project before people come to my house? Why do I think I need to paint the bathroom and completely redecorate it? Why am I worried that people will not think my house is cool/clean enough?

So I am a little tired today. I finished painting one of the colors at 12:30 am, I have to go home at noon to do a coat of the dark brown paint and then do another one after work.

I think I might be insane...
(but those of you reading this probably already know that ;)


bobbione8y said...

it's called "home ownership" dear. welcome to the craziness ;)

and we all now the house is NEVER finished :)

sarah said...

so nice to know I'm not the only one who does that? Guess I'm insane too :)

Karen said...

I think...that I would love to have you over. :-)

bobbione8y said...

so, how's it look?

carey said...

glad to know i'm not the only one that freaks out and turns myself inside out just to have people over. it's nuts. and i blame it on my mother.